Daily Scorpio Horoscope August 01 (01/08)
Scorpio Oct 23 − Now 21 Alias: Alias: The Scorpion August 01 (01/08) daily scorpio horoscope: summary scorpio daily Star 10/10 You might be frustrated at having to give detailed information where you believe basic facts will suffice. All you see is the end result and could believe achieving it doesnt require focusing on the nitty gritty details of the plan. Its by allowing yourself to look deeply into the guts of your strategy that you can get to grips with it in a more effective way. Be willing to look more closely at what youre inclined to dismiss as irrelevant. Read more... summary scorpio tomorrow Star 8/10 You could do yourself and someone else - a disservice by playing down an emotion that deserves to be released fully. Try to connect with the part of you that knows its bet...