Daily Scorpio Horoscope August 01 (01/08)


Oct 23 − Now 21

Alias: Alias: The Scorpion

August 01


daily scorpio horoscope:

summary scorpio daily

Star 10/10

You might be frustrated at having to give detailed information where you believe basic facts will suffice. All you see is the end result and could believe achieving it doesnt require focusing on the nitty gritty details of the plan. Its by allowing yourself to look deeply into the guts of your strategy that you can get to grips with it in a more effective way. Be willing to look more closely at what youre inclined to dismiss as irrelevant.


summary scorpio tomorrow

Star 8/10

You could do yourself and someone else - a disservice by playing down an emotion that deserves to be released fully. Try to connect with the part of you that knows its better to provide the whole truth and nothing but the truth than try to gloss over the depth and complexity of what youre feeling. Any hidden agendas are making the whole process unnecessarily complicated.


summary scorpio weekly

Star 8/10

You know what youre made of. Im not referring to your biological composition. Im talking about your abilities, capabilities and, particularly, your talents. However, in terms of making others aware of what you can do, youre a bit like a classic Rolls Royce stored away in a dusty garage. Its becoming increasingly important, particularly to you, that others are aware of talents you possess. This week might not bring instant recognition but it does promise the commencement of a process that intends to bring you well-deserved appreciation and recognition.


summary scorpio monthly

Star 10/10

If you have a financial adviser, then arrange a meeting with them because youre blessed with superb cosmic support this month to make shrewd and potentially lucrative investments. Money matters come into focus and numerous ways exist to maximize cash flow. Youll need to be more flexible and accommodating than you feel inclined to be where certain discussions or negotiations are concerned around the 9th. A significant boost to your determination levels around month end brings amazing developments on the work front if youre dissatisfied in your current role or are seeking a new job.


health scorpio daily

Star 9/10

Your gift of sight usually serves you especially well. Nurture your natural vision with sources of Vitamin A and Beta-carotene. Do not rub your eyes if they are tired or itchy. There are better ways to find relief. Use delicate eye moisturizer for the skin around the eyes. Wear sunglasses to prevent sun damage (yes, especially when the glare is strong). Your vision is a gift - use it to see, and do, good in the world.


health scorpio tomorrow

Star 10/10

Give yourself the benefit of the doubt. Your emotions may run high, but you still may have trouble catching up with them. Today\s transit makes you especially sensitive to criticism, so keep your distance in order to you have perspective on where others may be coming from. A quiet, centering yoga class would be good. Be gentle on yourself, nothing too tough! Ease your way into your emotional center.


health scorpio weekly

Star 8/10

Aspects in your personal financial zone make this a great time to budget for better health. If you haven\t been exercising but you feel the need to do so, this is your chance to research various options for a gym membership or sports group to join. Find the best deal and go for it. Or you could buy some equipment for your home and exercise whenever the mood strikes you.


health scorpio monthly

Star 8/10

Feeding your nerves continues to be important this month, and it can help you to feel calm even in situations when you might normally be a little anxious. In fact, keeping up this habit can be very important, as you may find it easier to deal with any extra work or matters that demand more of you than usual. Drinking water and avoiding too much caffeine can also allow you to feel more settled. But the need to do regular exercise is perhaps the most important factor, as it will help you channel excess energy while also keeping fit.


love scorpio daily

Star 9/10

Today you will be flooded with all sorts of impressions about just about everyone who crosses your path. Perhaps the one you could misread is really the most important. You may get totally wrong certain romantic signs that you pick up, thinking that they are meaning more than they actually are. Later this may turn out to be OK, but at the moment it could be embarrassing.


love scorpio tomorrow

Star 7/10

Today it is time to have a constructive conversation. Have that talk that you\ve been meaning to for some while. Although you may have put off the subject time and time again, if you can overcome that initial wave of fear, you will gradually gain confidence, and things can only get better. If you want to enjoy each other\s company, then let the process of true understanding begin.


love scorpio weekly

Star 8/10

Are you still harboring feelings for an ex? You dont like to admit defeat, so if you were the one rejected, you might not want to surrender to feelings for someone who hurt you in the past. Lingering feelings of love may be there just the same, taunting you at the start of the week. Youre a secretive lover and a powerful one later in the week. Few people are able to resist your seductive ways.


love scorpio monthly

Star 10/10

Words dont always mean what you think they mean during the Mercury/Uranus square on August 4, so always follow up written communication with an actual conversation. Miscommunication and romance dont mix. A favorable Mercury/Saturn trine on August 19 wakes you up and lets you see things that others may not, which puts you ahead of your romantic competition. Leave it to you to create openings where there were none! The feminine combination of Venus in Cancer on August 26 adds a hyper-sensitive element to your love life. The emotional ups and down are worth the potential payoff.


career scorpio daily

Star 8/10

Today\s planetary energy will make you more aggressive than usual. You will be insistent on getting your own agenda taken care of, at the expense of others. Instead, you need to be more focused on balance and working harmoniously with those around you.


career scorpio tomorrow

Star 9/10

The best opportunities will be those that are on the cutting edge. Seek out people who have a futuristic way of thinking. Heed their advice. As the pace of changing technology and ideas quickens, you need to be right up there on the front lines.


career scorpio weekly

Star 8/10

The energy at this time helps you build better relationships on the job or with customers. An upbeat attitude brings opportunities now. This is a positive time to upgrade the technology you regularly use. You can be an outstanding trainer in any area of interest. If you feel restless or need a new job, this period is powerfully lucky for improving your situation. Stubborn or emotional people could be frustrating now.


career scorpio monthly

Star 8/10

Youll receive favorable publicity for a job well done at the start of the month. Dont be surprised if youre featured in a magazine article or professional newsletter around August 9. Thanks to this coverage, several companies will offer you jobs. Theyre looking for someone with your skills. A career change around August 23 is a real possibility. You could snag a prominent position at a glamorous firm. It will be fun to work with high-profile clients with lots of money to spend. Instead of fighting to pinch pennies, youll be able to assemble elaborate packages that are the envy of your competitors.



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